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Discover Edinburgh's Top Business Stories
Edinburgh Business Stories brings you captivating conversations with the city’s most inspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders.
Join us as we explore Edinburgh’s vibrant business community and uncover the journeys, challenges, and triumphs of its innovative minds.
Lost Shore Surf Resort
Andy HaddenMiddlebrooks
Claire MiddlebrookCharles White
Eddie BacklerPike & Bambridge
Piers BambridgeSouthside Property Management
John DavidsonAcademic Families - Lorna Clayton
Academic Families - Lorna Clayton
Latest episode
Check out the latest episode featuring Jonathan Ward of Spring Solutions.
Exploring Edinburgh's Entrepreneurial Spirit
Join Alex Richards, director of content creation company YouMore, and Alan Smith, a seasoned business coach with ActionCOACH, on a journey to uncover the authentic stories behind Edinburgh’s business landscape.
From familiar names to hidden gems, they engage with a diverse array of guests who have contributed to the city’s entrepreneurial fabric. Motivated by a shared love for storytelling, Alex and Alan go beyond surface impressions and discover the heart of each business journey.
With a focus on authenticity and genuine insight, they explore the triumphs, challenges, and pivotal moments that have shaped these businesses’ paths to success. From humble beginnings to notable achievements, every story offers a unique perspective on the realities of entrepreneurship in Edinburgh.